Thursday 15 December 2011

Music Magazine Front Cover

This was my original version of my music magazine but it waas pointed out that it broke the conventions of a magazine because his face was angled away from the camera. The photograph itself was quite good but becasue it only shows half of his face was cosidered a bad photograph to use.
I felt that the picture quality let the cover down as it was quite blotchy. The general syle of the cover did work quite well but, seemed lacking. After asking people from my target audience I came to the conclusion that a vast majority of people prefered the other magazine covers over this one. I changed the title of this version but did not like the final result of this cover as it seemed very unprofessional.
This magazine cover was the 3rd one I made. It used the same fonts and coverlines as the original but changed the artists name to a red colour to make it stand out more. The photograph itself, although still breaks the conventions it is a full face shot and is not looking at the camera because it is a action shot of him playing the guitar.
This was more of a conventional music magazine cover but didn't give the the impression of a music magazine. So although it was a facing-the-camera photograph, it is not the cover I would use for a Indie magazine.  

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