Thursday 3 November 2011

Conventions of a Magazine Contents Page - Initial Research

-A message from the editor (editorial.) This tells the reader about the magazine's contents infornally by someone involved in the production of it.
-Pictures, page numbers and the contents all go in groups.
-The content is listed usually down the page.
-Advertisements on how to buy the magazine ie/ online subscription are at the bottom of the page.
-Words around the pictures 'anchor' them.
-A colour scheme of the magazine is repeated.
-The more important stories are larger that the minor stories.
-Sometimes pictures of important pages are featured. eg. Compotition pages, free poster.
-A small number of different fonts and font sizes are used.
-Substories ans subheadings are both used for seperating the sections of the magazine.
-Repatition is used on the Logo and Title of the magazine. This is usually featured at the top of the page.
-The photographer's name is featured on the photograph.
-There is also a lack of empty spaces.

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